Clean Spa Technologies
The GeniJet™ System - Clean and Simple
Why did we choose the GeniJet Pipeless Motor for use in our pedicure spas? That's's clearly the best.
Many spas and whirlpool baths in use today use piped systems which do not drain completely after use. Water may remain in the damp and dark environment in the pipes between uses......the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. The water may contain bacteria, as well as, soap film, hair, dead skin, body oil, dirt, and feces.
Hygiene is a growing concern for today's Spa Owners and Clients and to address this need CleanSpa Technologies utilize "pipeless" technology and installs the GeniJet™ Pipeless Motor in every spa we manufacture.
Benefits of the GeniJet™ system include the following:
- Supports proper hygiene and provides peace of mind for our clients
- Virtually maintenance free and easy to service. The GeniJet™ system can be removed and installed from the bowl of the spa in less than 4 minutes, keeping downtime of the spa to a minimum.
- Each motor has two jet streams with adjustable air flow, providing the client with a true hydrotherapy treatment and preventing soft tissue bruising.
- The GeniJet™ is designed to be self cooling with air intakes that pass directly through the motor housing which extends the longevity of the system.
- The GeniJet™ system uses 50% less power than conventional piped systems and provides quieter operation, resulting in reduced operating costs and a more pleasant and peaceful experience in a multi-spa environment.
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